lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Personal Rituals: My Pinky Blanket as My Favorite Ritual

                At every morning, I wake up and then I stand up with the right foot, I know that sounds a little silly but some people think this can help you to have a good day and, well is also a part of my daily routine. I keep walking onto get to a white, huge door of my bathroom. Every morning has a cold climate that’s why I wash my face softly and slowly with warm water, that’s an advice Isa gave me because it also makes you feel warm and comfortable so you can start an awesome day without complaining about the climate. What makes me more confident, comfortable and fresh everyday is spraying perfume on my chest, neck, the sides of my neck, and on my wrists.
                After finishing my morning routines, I go down to my dining room and before I start my breakfast, I check carefully inside my backpack the stuff and things I have to bring just to see if everything is alright, and ready.  After this, I start my breakfast and while my brother and I are eating, my mother likes to take some of her free time to tell us a story, an advice, or some good news to wake up us a little bit more.
                I go to school, as soon as I am inside the class, I start to prepare my books for every class. For me, time usually passes very but very slowly until it is recess time, my favorite part of the day, I am always in really good moods all day long, I really like to be happy with everyone because I like to have a good time with everyone, and my friends, they make me feel like crazy mostly when they start to talk about jokes and everything! Just the fact that this is kind of funny and interesting. After school, I come back home tired, when I need to do homework or study and I am about to sleep, I like to prepare a cup of coffee with milk and white chocolate so it keeps me active until night comes.
And for the night, I have to have my favorite thing otherwise I will freak out, literally. Let’s start at the beginning of my story. When I was a baby in the paradise, where I only knew how to swim, eat and sleep, inside my mother’s belly. My parents went to shop to a baby store where they bought a baby pink, soft and smooth blanket. When they came back home, they put the blanket on my brown and big cradle. Once my mom has given birth and I was born, I started to sleep every night with this blanket because it brings me sweet dreams and I feel much protected.
                When the years passed by, I kept sleeping with this baby pink blanket. Sometimes when I don’t have it is because the employee of my house took my blanket to wash it, I have to wait at least one night so it can totally dry. Sometimes when I don’t have my blanket, I dream nightmares that’s why this blanket is very special for me, this protects me since I was a little baby. My blanket is like an amulet for me, is very special because it remembers me much about my infancy and the love my parents have for me the entire life.

1 comentario:

  1. Sophia:

    I'm less interested in the steps you take throughout the day and more interested in what you're thinking or feelings as you go through them. You mention two things that I think you could have really expanded on: stepping on your right foot, and your pink baby blanket. Think more about how or why you describe/do those things.

    That will make a more interesting entry, and allow you to use much more sensory language than you do here.

    Miss K
